Sunday, September 12, 2010

Home Made Video

This video took me ages. I hope you like it!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Morning Bike Rides

I always go for a bike rides every morning !
But I just go for 4km a day and Its
easy and I don' t get tried at all !!
I'm training for skiing .And trying not too eat too much
junk food. And then I don't have so many spots.
I go for a bike rides before school.
But I hate waking up in the morning going and
getting ready for the bike ride !!!!!!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Hakuba Summer Ski Jumping

Today is a ski jump contest.
Who can jump the longest?
Last year there were many people.
My dad is the announcer !!
"No.1 Suzuki kato" I told my friends my dad is
announcer and my friends where like "really" many people would
come today!
I wonder who will win?

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Aokiko, the second cleanest lake in Japan!

Aokiko is the second cleanest lake in Japan.
But it's really deep though shallow around the sides. The shallow part is no fun because of the rocks.
Today my friends and I and my family went to Aokiko for a swim because it was a hot day.
Our dog, Tiara came too.
We played on the the Tarzan swing and that was really fun.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Tokyo Tower vs Sky Tree!!

Tokyo tower is a huge antenna tower!
It's 333m tall but when you go to Tokyo Tower you can't go right to the top, only about half way.
It was my first time to go to Tokyo Tower .
I've always wanted to go to Tokyo Tower but I didn't have much time to go.
When I went half way I saw a lot of buildings.
Tokyo Tower was built in 1958!
Next there's a tower that's being built that will be taller than Tokyo Tower.
It's called Sky Tree.
Right now it's about 400m high. When it 's finished the height will be 634m!
Which do you think looks better?

Monday, August 16, 2010


Kidzania is a place where kids can do real jobs and have fun at the same time.
You can be a fireman or a cameraman or something similar like that.
When you have finished doing your jobs you can get paid, but the money is fake.
But you can use it in Kidzania for example you can buy a drink or do your nails just for free and that’s good for girls.
Sometimes you can be a baker or make pizza it’s really delicious.
And there’s a fashion show too but you don’t get to pick which clothes to wear, I had have this really heavy dress on!!!!!
But the fashion show was fun I enjoyed it but I hated the dress.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

EX adventue in Hakuba

EX is an adventure course in the forest.
I went to EX with my friends.
When I first went to EX I was sacred !!!
EX is one of the scariest adventures to do in Hakuba.
The second time I went EX,I went with my school class !
It was really fun with my class.
I will talk about the 3rd time.
In the morning I went to EX with my friends.
My friends are sisters one is my age and the other is 9years old .
EX is really fun and really scary!!!!!!!
It's like 8or9m high up in the air.
When you look up you will think "I can do that" !
But if you go up and look down you will think that it's scary .
When you finish you might say "I did it"!!
Last part is the Tarzan swing !

Saturday, July 3, 2010

A New TV from Yamada Denki

Today my family and I went to Yamada Denki.
Yamada Denki is an electronic store . We went to buy a TV . My family wanted a bigger TV for the living room . But I was fine with the old TV! But the old TV is going into the new bar area, that if, it fits in the new bar. We went two different shops. Hotaka & Shiojiri they looked the same.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Rainy Days Always Get Me Down!

Every year in Japan, there's a rainy season .
In June for 4 to 5 weeks, most of the days it is raining.
Many days I can't do nothing at all!
On sunny days I do a lot of outdoors with my family . But I hate when it's really hot .
The sunny and cool days are the best!!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Minekata MTB

I went up Minekata today.
I went with my dad and his friend called Tim .
It was his first time up Minekata . And he did really good!!
We rode No.1 course today.
No.2 I think is too easy for us and No.3 is really hard for us .
But some day just once with my dad I think will challenge it and do my best !
When you go up at Minekata you get so tired.
But Down hill is easy for me!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Diamond Head

My family and I climbed Diamond Head on our last day in Hawaii.
Diamond Head is an old volcano, and now a crater.
The climb was steep and very hot but I climbed it in about 25mins. There were many steps including a long tunnel.
At the top we could smell the ocean.
I enjoyed my vacation in Hawaii....I want to go again!!!

Monday, May 10, 2010

The Duke Kahanamoku Lagoon

Dad and I went to the beach, next to the beach is The Duke Kahanamoku Lagoon.
I made a bet with my father, that if I swam the lagoon I wouldn't have to go swimming lessons anymore at Ogawa pool.
The lagoon smells like bad fish .
Once my Dad swam the lagoon and a fish bit Dads toe . Do you think that fish have large brains?
I just want to know what are they thinking .
Well even though it smelt like fish and many fish were swimming in the lagoon, I swam lagoon all 66m.......well with my Dad!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Pearl Harbor

The picture is Pearl Harbor in Hawaii.
The USS Arizona along with other battleships was bombed by the Japanese (Dec.'7th).
In 1941 when the Japanese attacked America all the battleships were tied up in port.
In the early morning, the Japanese bombed most of the ships .
All the ships were raised .
But just one wasn't.
Most of the men on the USS Arizona died that day.
So they just left the ship were it sunk with all the dead bodies inside. That is why it's called USS Arizona Memorial.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Alice in wonderland 3D !!

Today my family and I watched Alice in Wonderland 3D !!
It was the first time I have watched 3D in the movies !
Sometimes the pictuer comes right at you .
I think everyone gets frightened at times.
Dad and I were frightened when the cup came right at us as well as the hat coming at us too .
Well......tbh... when the hat came I wasn't that frightened.
We have to were these dorky glasses.
Johnny Depp is in this movie !!!
Avril Lavigne sing the title song called "Alice" it's a great song.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Boys are Dogs

I just read this really fantastic and fun book .
Annabelle a 6th grader, tells the story of going to a new school.
Annabelle's brand new school is very different to her old girls school .
The boys are always picking on Annabelle and her friends .
The boys are like wild dogs.
At home her new dog called is Pepper .
She called him Pepper because he looks like Pepper .
Pepper is always chewing on her toys and on her clothes too.
Annabelle's dog book is titled "How to train a dog."
The boys who are acting like dogs .
Can Annabelle train a boy the way you train a dog...........

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Today when I looked at the window it was snowing. It was like being in the middle of winter !!!!!
Last week it was so hot!
That day many many people were skiing on the bumps. I couldn't ski on bumps that well.

I want to see green!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Dr. Who

Today I watched Dr. Who with my family .
It's about a time traveler. He goes to the moon and goes into the future and into the past.
Today's was about this alien that had escaped from jail .If the aliens couldn't find the bad alien they would start to boil the earth ........

Monday, April 5, 2010

Yuwasa Naoki!

On Saturday we trained with Yuwasa Naoki. He's a top ski racer. in Japan. He's quite good looking too!
And he's not married yet............

Training was over three days at Happo-one ski area. He gave me many useful tips to improve my skiing.
My top coach said "you have really done well"
I can't wait till next ski seasons!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Katsu Curry!

katsu curry is big in Japan ski resorts .
katsu is pork and curry.
Today lunch was katsu curry it was really yummy .
Many many pepole eat katus curry at ski resorts
they soon get full!
The curry is the same curry as we used to eat in England!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Gforce the moive

Today I went to the moives with the ski school
we wacthed Gforce it was FAB !!!!!!
It's about these hamsters are spys are going to save the world .
But one the team mates are gona destroy the world.
Can they save the world ?
It's a really good moive.
At lunch time I had Mac with 3 boys .It was good!
We went to the game centre.