Sunday, October 23, 2011

Lindsey Vonn Wins In Solden

Yesterday was the start of the woman's skiing world cup.
Lindsey Vonn won!!

Her first GS World Cup.
I wonder how many down hill cups she has?!

Well I don't a trophy yet but this coming season I will try 100%!!!!!!!!!

Today is the men's world cup!

I wonder who's gonna win???*???

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Ala Mona park

This morning our family went jogging in Ala Mona park (Hawaii).
Hugh bought some rollerskates. I wish I had some?!
I jogged with my Dad and hugh jogged with Mum.
Dad and I went the long way around the park.
We met Hugh and mum halfway. Then I pushed myself to the finish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I had huge steps going. Aftherwords we went shopping that I liked and hated!!!!!!!!!!!
Today I bought a hat, T-sirt,some soks and headphones. I love my new pink
T-sirt a lot. But it looks like my Dads.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Home Made Video

This video took me ages. I hope you like it!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Morning Bike Rides

I always go for a bike rides every morning !
But I just go for 4km a day and Its
easy and I don' t get tried at all !!
I'm training for skiing .And trying not too eat too much
junk food. And then I don't have so many spots.
I go for a bike rides before school.
But I hate waking up in the morning going and
getting ready for the bike ride !!!!!!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Hakuba Summer Ski Jumping

Today is a ski jump contest.
Who can jump the longest?
Last year there were many people.
My dad is the announcer !!
"No.1 Suzuki kato" I told my friends my dad is
announcer and my friends where like "really" many people would
come today!
I wonder who will win?

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Aokiko, the second cleanest lake in Japan!

Aokiko is the second cleanest lake in Japan.
But it's really deep though shallow around the sides. The shallow part is no fun because of the rocks.
Today my friends and I and my family went to Aokiko for a swim because it was a hot day.
Our dog, Tiara came too.
We played on the the Tarzan swing and that was really fun.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Tokyo Tower vs Sky Tree!!

Tokyo tower is a huge antenna tower!
It's 333m tall but when you go to Tokyo Tower you can't go right to the top, only about half way.
It was my first time to go to Tokyo Tower .
I've always wanted to go to Tokyo Tower but I didn't have much time to go.
When I went half way I saw a lot of buildings.
Tokyo Tower was built in 1958!
Next there's a tower that's being built that will be taller than Tokyo Tower.
It's called Sky Tree.
Right now it's about 400m high. When it 's finished the height will be 634m!
Which do you think looks better?